Sacramento German Genealogy Society
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Family Research in Schleswig-Holstein:  The Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Tuesday, May 28
Family Research in Schleswig-Holstein: The Challenges and How to Overcome Them  (SGGS Meetings and Events)
10:00 am
Learn how to find where your ancestors lived, which records have survived and where to find them both in archives and online. This seminar will briefly summarize the history of Schleswig-Holstein to provide a basic understanding how to find records in various archives and demonstrate what and where to find on the internet or how to contact organizations holding the original records.
The focus of the presentation will be on (protestant) church books, civil registers and (Danish) census records and explain the organizational structures of the protestant church and the civil administration in Schleswig-Holstein.

Klaus Kohrt is an experienced volunteer in genealogical associations both for Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein. Enjoys sharing his expertise and assisting fellow researchers in these regions. Frequent speaker in conferences, seminars and connection sessions, both in-person and online for local as well as international audiences.