Sacramento German Genealogy Society
Geogen is short for "geographical genealogy" - location based ancestor research.
Entering a family name creates a map showing the distribution of surnames in Germany. Try it!

What's New?
Christkindlmarkt 2024: Below are Saturday morning volunteers Sharon Henn, Dr. George Meyer and Rick Hanson. This event at the Sacramento Turn Verein is SGGS' big opportunity for outreach tot he general public. SGGS is gave away free Der Blumenbaum issues, sold merchandise and memberships and gave sage advice to visitors interested in pursuing their German ancestry. See the January Der Bote for more detail.
Note to new members: For those of you who purchased new members, your memberships will be processed Monday Dec. 9.
Note those wanting a copy of SGGS' German Empire map: That map is posted as part of the Germany WorldGenWeb brochure which can be found in the public part of this website: Resources => Useful Files => SGGS Educational Publications.
Christkindlmarkt 2024
German Genealogy Resource Map - courtesy of Palatines to America German Genealogical Society is now listed under Resources.  To find it, click "Resources" in the sidebar to the left, then filter by Category "Genealogical Research" and Timeframe "New (within 180 days)"
FEEFS logo image
The Foundation of East European Family History Studies (FEEFHS) is offering SGGS members a discounted rate to attend their four-day conference that begins August 1st, either online or in-person at Salt Lake City. The conference features 29 classes from speakers from around the world. In addition, there will be 19 on-demand classes available at the start of the conference. After the conference, recordings will be online for attendees to view until the end of the year. Discount is $50 off the $200 admission fee. Members can email SGGS ( to obtain your SGGS discount code. For more information, go to:
Can you trace your ancestors back to Germans who immigrated to Pennsylvania? Is there a Palatine in your past? Check out our Pennsylvania German Special Interest Group, and join our Facebook group!
Time Zones – Online events can task place anytime so the Live Webinars FAQ page has an easy-to-use time zone converter pre-configured by SGGS to show times for the most commonly referenced time zones.
Pommern Research Video – Recording of the 2nd Online Pommern Connection Session of the Pommerscher Greif, the Ahnenforscher Stammtisch Unna and the International German Genealogy Partnership (IGGP) in the English language from December 19th, 2020.
  Looking for new links and files? – Go to the links and files options under Resources. New entries are marked "NEW" and include many links to Prussian resarch in Germany, a Germans from Lithuania name index and free German music. Also added a link to a FamilySearch page containing videos for those doing Austro-Hungarian research.

SGGS' Online Store

The SGGS Online Store which sells Der Blumenbaum back issues and a few mechandise items is temporarily closed. It will reopen soon with an all new look and easier to use customer interface. If you have any questions about ordering merchandise, please contact SGGS <>.
SGGS also looking for people to help with sales during meetings and to ship items ordered online. If you would like volunteer, please contact SGGS at any of its meetings or the foregoing email address.


Upcoming Events
Feb 8
Family Discovery Day
Spend the morning and early afternoon visiting genealogical society information booths and attending lectures. This is a free event at the LDS church just north of Elk Grove. SGGS expects to have a table there.
Feb 25
Genealogical Research in Bavaria: a Brief Historical Overview and Research Possibilities
Dr. Helga Frank worked as an archivist, knowledge manager and communications teacher before devoting herself to family research. She holds a master's degree in linguistics and literature from the University of Regensburg, where she also completed her doctorate.   As a researcher, she focuses on old writings and texts in German-speaking Europe, particularly in Bavaria and Austria, and is an expert in family research in Bavaria. She is a member of the Bayerischer Landesverein für Familienkunde, the Freundeskreis des Hauses der Baverischen Geschichte and the Gesellschaft für Namenforschung. As a family researcher, Helga works in the research office "Genealogy Michael ...